what’s a flirting?

Well, well, well, long time no talk people who still read this for whatever reason. OKAY so here’s where I’m at. I’m a sophomore in college, sort of making it, my grades are average, my diet coke consumption is above average and my love life is incredibly below average. I have had the crappy end of the stick for like a long time now and it’s a constant struggle. I have been cheated on, I have been emotionally taken advantage of, and I have had my heart hella broken, and that was just freshman year. So this year I was like hey, new start right? I wanted to be open to meeting new people and try the whole dating thing without diving into relationships like I’m used to. Turns out, dating sucks and I’m horrible at it!!!! I don’t know how to casually talk to or approach men they are like little adorable and sexy aliens that make me sweaty and awkward. So currently I have a crush on a boy that I have known since last year and he is just so frickin cute. Classy, dorky, funny, the whole nine yards. AND I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO TALK TO HIM OR FLIRT OR DO ANYTHING EVER BECAUSE IM DUMB AND I SUCK. So here’s the other problem, I have a roommate who is just stunning and every guy in the universe loves her so I can never win. Current Madi Smith Problem: how do I know if a guy friend is willing to be more? How do I make him interested and HOW DO I FLIRT IDK HOW HELP SOS SEND HELP

xoxo, Madi

soul mate

Hi friends

It’s been a while so I’m sorry but something I have been thinking about sparked my interest. I know for a fact that I have talked about soul mates before but I have always been hesitant because the ideas of soul mates in general are so cliche they make me uneasy. HOWEVER, do you ever get a feeling, even if you don’t know someone all that deeply that they are incredibly special to you or have changed your life in some way shape or form? Okay well this sounds crazy but an old teacher of mine is exactly that. 

I read this book not that long ago called “My Name is Memory” (really really good, I highly recommend it for anyone looking for good books out there). Basically it’s about reincarnation which I have been really interested in lately mostly because I’m going through that whole questioning my religion phase and wanting to learn more about what else people believe in but ANYWAYS there’s these two souls and they meet in like 400 BC and its the story about how their two souls keep being reincarnated and affecting each other in very positive ways thus making them “soul mates”. However, in many lives they aren’t lovers, they are just influential people that show the other love and support and compassion. In some lives they do fall in love but in most they do not. The idea of this blows my mind and warms my heart at the same time.

I have had this strange feeling of love and thanks for my teacher since I have met him. It was never a sexual or romantic connection of any sort but a kind where I just recognized how truly amazing he was and trusted my life with him. I told him everything, spent my free time with him and was able to discover who I truly was with him. He is my soulmate. He is the soul that will stay with me in lives to come and continue to change and perfect my soul. I have never been more certain of anything in my entire life. I hope you all find your soul mates.

xoxo, Madi

Great loves

I am currently laying in the middle of my living room, hair up, big headband in, no pants, watching sex and the city. I can’t find a job, all of my friends have jobs, most of my friends are in Madison and I have way too much time to think. I spend some of my time thinking about clothes, a little too much time thinking about how scary the character of Maleficent is and the majority of my time thinking about boys. Shocker right. 

Last week I had an epiphany. My very best friends at school and I are exactly like the Sex and the City girls. And I know that every group of girl friends says “oh I’m the Samantha of the group” blah blah but my group has four people and each person is uniquely like one of each of the characters. My friend Caitlyn is so so sweet, maybe too sweet, slightly naive and the most caring person I know, she is just like Charlotte. My friend Britta is confident, ballsy, successful, absolutely fabulous, and a little too open about her personal life, but we all love her. She is Samantha. My beautiful friend, Lexi, is driven, passionate, hardworking, red headed and the most honest person I know, she is Miranda. Meanwhile, I am Carrie. Writer, dreamer, emotionally damaged, wears her heart on her sleeve, spends too much money on clothes. That’s me. 

In this episode that I’m watching Carrie and her girls are talking about the concept of their “one great love”. Does this exist? Is it possible that there is one person above all in the world that is perfect for you and that can be your greatest love? I don’t know. Carrie the mentions, maybe both Aiden and Big are her great loves, maybe she has two. 

I think I have two great loves, or two ideas of great loves. There are sort of two guys in my life and I am almost certain I love them both and I don’t know how that’s possible but I feel it. The one I am currently with, he treats me so well. He is so honest, and the complete opposite of me but always makes me smile. He makes me feel comfortable and safe and I know he would never ever hurt me. He is my Aiden. The other guy, hurt me, very very badly. But everytime I think about him my heart still skips a beat, I don’t think I will ever not love him. On paper, he is everything I have ever wanted, when we were together I felt invincible and on top of the world, it was passionate and exhilarating and terrifying. However, I don’t know if I can ever trust him again or risk another heartbreak on his watch. 

Is there one great love? I have never been able to tell if I was Team Aiden or Team Big on the show, and apparently I can’t tell which team I am on in my own life. I guess only time will tell. If anything is meant to be, it will be. 


xoxo, Madi

15 things I learned as a freshman

So here I am, sitting in my dorm room surrounded by boxes and little nik naks that I haven’t seen in the past 8 months. I leave tomorrow to go back “home”. It’s sucky because this place, my little 13 by 16 sometimes too cold and always messy dorm room has become my home. There is no one word to describe your freshman year of college. It’s amazing, terrifying, eventful, eye opening, adventurous, lonely at times, overwhelming, but it was definitely the best year of my entire life. Since I am the oldest child, I literally went in blind to this whole college thing. I had one friend from high school coming to the same college as me and I genuinely had no clue what I was doing. The first day was fast and busy and exciting, but by the time we were all in bed and my face was much closer to the ceiling than it is at home, i couldn’t help but cry. What was I doing? What was the year going to be like? I was so scared. So, here’s my cliche little list of things to know/things I learned my first year of college.

1. It’s hard. Classes are hard, making friends is hard, missing your parents is hard, figuring out campus and the dining hall is hard. You get used to it after a little bit though. You won’t be lost forever. 

2. Game Day is the best day of any day of any week throughout the history of time forever. Get season tickets, be active in game days, tailgate, enjoy it. No one is too cool for school spirit.

3. Not everyone is best friends with their roommate. I got lucky, yes. But I heard some horror stories. Not everyone gets along with everyone but that’s the real world and sometimes you have to deal with people you don’t love.

4. Make friends with people OTHER than your roommate and your high school friends. Yes it is okay if these people are your best friends forever and ever or whatever, but meet people that you know nothing about and who know nothing about you. I met my best friends in a class we had together and they are the most amazing people. Through them I have met a lot of other friends that I will be close with for a long time.

5. Invest in a good ass parka and some comfortable yet stylish snow boots. This is for all you kiddos staying in the midwest. You don’t know winter until you don’t have a car and you have to walk 15 minutes through the blistering wind and snow. And if you get a black northface parka, write your name on the tag or something because everyone and their sorority sister has the exact same coat and you WILL lose it. 

6. Do not buy out the book store. for anything. The first few weeks of school you will want to buy literally every shirt you see because omg college huge deal wanna be cute and fit in. Guarantee you will not wear as much as you think. And for your actual textbooks, any other purchasing option is cheaper than buying your books at the book store.

7. Make a friend who has an older sibling who is over 21. Self explanatory. Sorry mom.

8. Welcome week- you will meet a million people and exchange numbers and think these are your besties for the rest of the year. You will awkwardly see them around campus all year and not exchange a word. 

9. Mess up. Do at least one really stupid thing so that you can learn from your mistakes (and for the story). But if you are going to Madison, don’t let your stupid thing be breaking into Camp Randall at 1:30 AM. Just trust me on this one. 

10. Go to class. I am such a hypocrite for saying this. It’s honestly so so easy to skip lecture. There’s 300 people in your class, no one will notice you not there and sleeping for an extra hour and a half sounds just so nice. I promise you there will be information from that lecture on your midterm in three weeks.

11. Don’t be stupid with your money.

12. Some of the best nights are just sitting around with your friends. One of my favorite memories from this year is a ton of my friends and I cramming into a little dorm room playing cards against humanities. Going out is so fun, but it isn’t the only way to have fun.

13. Take classes that sound interesting.

14. Call your Grandma, she will love it

15. Be yourself. This is a time to leave your past in the past and be the you that you want to be. The ones who love you for that reason are the ones that will stick around forever.


So, seniors, good luck. I wish I could relive this year all over again. Even the scary and lonely and all the lessons learned made for the greatest year of my life.


xoxo, Madi 

safe and miserable

Today I was texting my best friend in the dead heat of an existential/quarter life crisis. I am currently seeing a guy, constantly comparing him to my exes, I have no clue what I’m doing with my life this summer, I can barely get out of bed let alone get good grades, I’m dirt poor. Everything is scary. And as I’m venting about this guy she says “just have fun”. 


just have fun?????????? I genuinely don’t think I am able to just have fun, my body and brain don’t function in that way. That’s not a long term plan? That just sounds like a fast track to losing time and getting hurt? 


So I, in the heat of the moment with my cynical demeanor, reply, “I hate having fun. I like being safe and miserable”. I hadn’t even realized what I said until she went off on a tangent about how that is the most depressing thing I have ever thought but, not gonna lie, it’s more true than I’d like to admit. I mean, think about it. If you’re in a safe and comfortable place in your life but it’s kinda shitty, wouldn’t you rather be like that than just seeing how the cookie crumbles each and everyday?? I mean re reading what I just wrote, wow that’s depressing. but its true!!!!!!! I can’t do the free spirit thing. that’s not me. I like a plan, I like a safety net, I like comfort. I like knowing that whatever is in front of me is long term and literally nothing in my life right now can guarantee that for me. 


Maybe I’m just having a bad day. Maybe I’m having a bad day because of how rainy it is or the nostalgia of today’s date that’s eating me alive. On this day, years ago, I was comfortable and happy. The best combination. I was miserable at some points but, mostly happy. Today I’m miserable and uncomfortable. Happy sometimes, but mostly scared and lost. I don’t want to leave college, I don’t want to leave my friends and I don’t want another boy to promise me things he can’t keep. I just want to be safe. Miserable, but safe. 





Ever since I was little, I have never had one home. My parents divorced when I was 3 and since then, I have automatically had two homes. Even with that aside, my parents had a habit of moving around quite a bit. I have lived in 8 different homes in Rochester, a dorm room, and I recently signed a lease for my first apartment. Even though I technically have one “home” now in college, my tiny dorm room, I still feel like my life is constantly packing and unpacking my things. When I look back, I have never had all of my “stuff” in one place. I had two closets, with my one, overly sized wardrobe (you wouldn’t believe how frustrating it was as a 16 year old girl when the ONE shirt you wanted to wear was at the other parent’s house.) and all of my junk was spread out between two completely different bedrooms and one super messy 2001 ford escape. Even today, my summer clothes and random lotions are left behind at both of my parent’s home. I still don’t have everything in one place. 

I am currently taking a class called Education Curriculum 240 where we talk about societal problems and how they affect the class room (don’t worry I’m not being SOOO ADD right now, I will go back to the first topic, full circle, patience). So recently we talked about trauma on young kids. And by ‘trauma’ I don’t mean like PTSD and physical trauma, I mean events in their lives that have permanently hurt or scarred them. In my discussion a ton of kids brought up the trauma of coming from a ‘broken family’ (I have always despised that word and the number of times it was said this class made me cringe). Of course, divorces suck and they can really have a massive affect on kids but I have never that that my parents’ split really hurt me. I was too young to remember it, they are both very amicable to each other and they both have done an amazing job at making life as easy for me as humanly possible. I remember being forced to go to this stupid counselor meetings for kids with divorced parents where they did stupid exercises for kids who were facing the trauma that seemed to side step me.

Now, my parents have been divorced for 15 years and I am finally starting to see that maybe I did face trauma as a kid. Instead of acting out or not trusting people, my trauma was my need. Because my parents overwhelmed me with love in compensation for not being together, I neeeeeed love. I love too much and expect it all back in return. I was taught that even though my parents didn’t love each other like a husband and wife anymore, they love each other, and love is the most important thing in the world. I was taught that my parents love me so much, more than anything, and they told me everyday. I learned to love my homes and love my materials and love my siblings. My trauma was I learned to love too much. 

Loving too much isn’t the worst thing in the world. I mean it isn’t the kind of trauma that puts me in jail or gets me kicked out of the house or drops me out of school. But it does leave me very heart broken, very easily. Because I never had one place to call my only home, my “home” becomes put into a million different people, places and things. And when those aren’t there anymore, I momentarily fall apart. I know it’s not healthy to rely on people and things to be your “home” but I do, it’s my ‘trauma’. My home is in my best friends, in my bed drinking coffee, in Indie Coffee on Regent St in Madison, in my two houses in Rochester, on the Union Terrace, in two many boys who have hurt me; home is on my tumblr page, on this silly blog, wandering in downtown rochester, home is in the upstairs part of the starbucks on State Street. Home is with my roommate who listens to Adele for 48 straight hours with me after a break up. Home is within all of my siblings who I some how have loved more since moving away. 

Sometimes it sucks because I don’t feel like I have a home, and the trauma of it all. But most times, I keep my heart on my sleeve and realize how lucky I am to be home almost everywhere I am. 



help me, I’m sick

The only time college really sucks is when you’re sick. Class is just no. Sleep is just yes, and the only person you want is your mom. I am currently in my pajama set, in bed and on my third cup of tea. I feel like I have watched every single show on bravo ever in the past few days because this cold will not kick. My roommate is getting irritable with me because when I get sick I snore and I am just a lazy bum. My favorite word right now is anything that ends with -Quil. Help me I’m sickkkkk. I want soup and more tea and to never leave bed and a grilled cheese with tomato and someone to tell me I’m pretty. rip madi smith.

xoxo, Madi

three cheers to Ernest Hemingway

remember when I wrote about that boy? yeah well he cheated on me. apparently some other girl for a quick few minutes was much more important than I would ever be. so, there’s my life. I honestly, give up. I give up on love. I thought I loved him, how stupid am i???? this isn’t a romantic comedy!!! i’m not the girl who changes his lifestyle and makes him fall head over heels. that’s not me. and it tears me up. Im done. I give up on love. I now get why Hemingway wrote in short fragmented sentences. he was sad and broken, like his sentences, and thoughts and like me. love you Ernest. I feel you. three cheers to broken hearts and Ernest Hemingway 

xoxo, Madi

Second Chances

HI friends!

Big news. Huge news. I, Madison Kathryn Smith, have a boyfriend. I know. You’re probably thinking what demented weirdo wants to be with you??? Trust me, I ask myself the same thing every single day. BUT, he actually does. He actually really really likes me and it feels so amazing.

Almost a year ago, I thought I would never feel this way again. I thought my 18 year old heart was far too broken to ever be mended again and I would never get butterflies for another boy and no one would ever call me beautiful or want to hold me ever again. But here I am, given the most amazing second chance at love. I’m not sure if I deserve it though. I definitely don’t deserve him. He’s so caring and charismatic and smart and playful and such a smart ass and so (seriously, sooooo) good looking. And I’m over here sitting in polka dot pajamas thinking, “me? really? you want…me?”. But, he’s my second chance. My second chance to learn from my past, be the best I can be, and try my hardest to love again. And although it’s so exciting, it also scares the hell out of me because I really, really, feel like I’m falling and I don’t want to be broken again. But, it’s worth the risk, because for the first time in the longest time, I genuinely happy. So friends, wish my heart and I, the best of luck!


xoxo, Madi

Leo The Dog

Hi friends, 

So a couple days ago I lost my very best friend in the entire world. I would have written this sooner but I think it would have been too hard for me to, I don’t know, get my thoughts down exactly how I want to I guess.. So after a few days of thinking about him and remembering all that he meant to me I think the only way to accurately portray it to you guys is by telling the story of Leo and I.

When I was little, literally the only thing I wanted in life was a dog. So the summer of 2003 was a big one for me. I was going into 3rd grade, my cursive skills were at an all time high, and both of my parents remarried. 2003 was the year when my begging reached an exponential number per week, so finally in August of 2004, my mom and my stepdad, Johnny, and I took my 9 year old but to the local animal shelter. Upon meeting crazy jack russells, and lazy hound dogs, I was about to give up. I didn’t have that love at first sight moment meeting my future pup. So we went home and we decided as a family that we would go back the next day and try one more time and if it wasn’t meant to be, it wasn’t meant to be! So we went back the next day and we met a couple of dogs and they were okay but I didn’t love them. Finally, last dog of the day, all hope from my little 9 year old heart was drained completely, in walks this white bull dog with one brown eye and his tongue hanging out of his smile for miles. He took his time walking in the door, sniffing everything, walked up to me, licked my face and turned his entire body around wanting me to scratch his butt. He was outgoing, but not energetic, he was weird and kind of dumb but very loving, and I knew I wanted him to be mine. The woman at the shelter said he already had a name, and it was Leo. 

I looked at my mom and smiled wide as I scratched this dog I had just met’s butt,and the seal was kissed. He was ours. We took him home that day and he unsurprisingly loved car rides. At our house he was so overwhelmed with how much space there was to run and how much furniture there was too lay on.. He was acting like he was in heaven. Only after a few days, our house quickly became Leo’s house. White dog hair covered the entirety of everything, anything even remotely cute that was done resulted in a treat and we did whatever it was that he wanted. He slept on my bed every single night and because I didn’t have any siblings at my mom’s house, he was my everything, the one I played with, the one I told my secrets to, everything. I would dress him up and hug him when I needed a hug and just sit next to him when I was lonely. One fall day in the same year, I came home and was asked to come downstairs by my step dad. Leo greeted me at the door and my mom was downstairs crying. We all sat together, Leo right by my side, and Johnny told us that he was leaving. There was many more words, but that was all I heard. I stared down at Leo and gently pet his brown ear, I was too young to understand what was going on and why it was happening to me. After all the other pointless, and unheard words were said, I stood up and went to my room. Leo followed. When I jumped into my bed, so did he and I just sat and held him and cried. That was the first time I realized that he was mine and I was his, forever. 

After every dumb middle school heartbreak, Leo was there for me. Whether it be playing with him outside, taking him on a walk, or just laying next to him as I read, he was the only one that was always there for me, he was my constant. 

He was probably one of the dumbest dogs in the world, he really knew nothing. He was terrified of snowmen and he was allergic to corn and he couldn’t swim at all. He was so weird, and for that, I loved him. 

He was only sick for a couple of days. He had a tumor on his back right leg that we knew about, cancer was common for American bulldogs, and it finally made his way to his spine. He had no control over his back legs, he couldn’t stand up, walk, nothing. He wasn’t in pain, he just couldn’t move. And watching him try to stand up when he just couldn’t was the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen. I wanted so badly to carry him around and help him, help him take it all away and make it better, in return for all the times he made everything better for me. My mom came down the other morning, her eyes filled with tears and told me that I should come upstairs.. I knew instantly that it was Leo. The day had come where I would have to say goodbye to my best friend. I went up and just sat next to him for hours.. Until I had said everything I wanted to before we drove to the clinic. In that time I simply thanked him. And I know how stupid this all sounds, he’s a dog right? He can’t speak, he can’t communicate, but he was my constant. He was always there for me, even when I felt like the world wasn’t. 

My mom sat with Leo and I that morning and I felt terrible because she was trying so hard to get out of me my feelings and thoughts. And I just couldn’t. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t put into words my thoughts, I literally felt empty. I just stared at him. Finally I put into words what I needed to say. I told my mom that I was okay with bringing him in that day because he had done all that he needed to do. 

See, personally, I believe that God puts everyone and everything into our lives for a reason. Wether it be a lesson, a love, some sort of purpose. Leo’s job was to make my mom and I happy and whole. He was beside us through everything, every dark and scary time, he was our light and what held us down. And finally, it seemed that everything for my mom and I was good. We were finally happy and in a place where we didn’t need Leo’s love anymore, because God knows that we needed more than anything for year’s. So although it was the very last thing I wanted, it was okay to say goodbye. I told him how happy I was and how grateful I was for him that he could do that for me. And we picked him up and drove him to the vet. 

It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. But he was the best thing that has ever happened to me. 

Rest in peace, sweet puppy. Love you more than words. 

xoxo, Madi